Page Sale
Moonstone Sunstone Sphere - $52
Selenite Hexagon Plate - $18
Pyrite in Quartz - $11
Small Flower Agate Heart - $8
Etched Wolf Selenite Plate (Satin Spar) - $12
Small Carnelian Heart - $8
Matte Light Smoky Quartz Fish - $18
Matte Quartz Sea Lion - $18
Pyrite in Quartz Drop - $10
Pyrite in Quartz Drop - $11
Garden Quartz Freeform - $20
Double Terminated Rose Quartz, Quartz, Obsidian, Sodalite - one of each - Bundle of 4 - $20
Mini Sodalite Point - two only - $5 x 2 = $10
Mini Rose Quartz Point - two only - $5 x 2 = $10
Mini Quartz Point - two only - $5 x 2 = $10
Amethyst Point - $12